Monday, December 20, 2010

Young Women's Washer Necklaces

For young women's Christmas lesson on Sunday, the leaders gave the girls washer necklaces.
Because, I'm too weak Court had to pound the letters into the washers for me.
Savannah was such a good little helper.
Lisa, also made these cute little tags on them that read,

The most treasured gift of all was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. He was sent to all of us with love from out Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ gave his LOVE, His SERVICE, and His LIFE for us. Let us use the Atonement in our lives and give him our love, service, and our lives to him.


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. These are so cute! You are such a talented, little crafter! I bet the girls instantly loved these!

  2. You did such an beautiful job! My daughter stole mine, she loved it so much. You are talented. You amaze me with your creativeness. I just love you, Nicole. You are such a wonderful mother. I am so glad Xander doesn't have RSV. Poor baby, Bronchitis is bad enough. Nicole, you are just plain WONDERFUL!!!!

  3. those are really cute!!! i wish i had you craftyness!!! im not crafty at all!!!
