Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Non Hair Damaging Curlers For Girls

At the beginning of the month Savannah was sick for about a week. One day she was feeling a little bit better and let me put these curlers in her hair. It comes with a wand/stick/hook thing. You get your hair damp, Savannah's had some moose in hers from the day before and I just sprayed it with a spray bottle then, pull the curler onto the wand, take about 1/2 and inch pieces of hair, hook the hair onto the wand, and pull it through! It is really like magic!!

You can buy these curlers for different length hair at Sally's!

While I was doing Savannah's hair Savannah and Xander colored and watched Beauty and the Beast. Isn't Bell soo cute and yellow!!And this is Xander's interpretation of art! He is so lucky he is cute!
Thirty or so minutes later.. TA DA!! Savannah was crashing again and wanted to lay down, so I didn't get the best of pictures. If you are in a hurry though, just blow dry the curlers. I do this sometimes on Sundays. It really works and it doesn't ruin her beauitful hair like the curling iron will.

Just imagine if I had hair sprayed and scrunched this gorgeous hair! Just imagine... if she had let me... LOL!

Today, I put the curlers in Savannah's hair again so, you can see how cute the curls are!!

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